As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic,
the City of Sault Ste. Marie and Mayor Christian Provenzano wanted to encourage our
community through this challenge with positive messages from notable community
members who many of us follow and look up to.
The City and Mayor Provenzano wish to express gratitude all of the people who took the
time to participate: the Right Honourable David Johnston, Dr. Roberta Bondar, Tanya
Kim, Ted Nolan, Kyle Dubas, Brad Jacobs, Colin Miller, Jordan Hoover, Mac and B.J.
Marcoux and Marty Turco (video pending).
“We are in this together, we will get through this together and the messages from our
fellow Saultites are a tremendous demonstration of this spirit. The community has done
a great job to date, but we have to stay committed and continue working together,” said
Mayor Provenzano.
“I want to recognize and thank everyone who submitted a video. Your civic minded actions
speak to our best qualities, and all of you are excellent representatives of our community.

Click here for the video on YouTube