Even if english is your first language you have or are most likely mispronouncing some of these words. 

  1. Anyway is EH-nee-way
  2. Tenet is TEN-eht
  3. Comptroller is con-TROLL-er 
  4. Coup de grâce is koo-de-GRAHS
  5. Electoral is ee-LECK-tor-al 
  6. Hyperbole is high-PER-boh-lee
  7. Mischievous is MIS-chuh-vus 
  8. Ophthalmologist is off-tha(l)-MOLL-o-gist
  9. Prestigious is pre-STI-jus 
  10. Prostrate is PRA-straight
  11. Quay is kee 
  12. Segue is SEG-way
  13. 13. Remuneration is re-MYOO-nuh-ray-shun

source: CNBC